Friday, January 17, 2014

I Am Not A Republican

I am not a Republican.

I am not a Democrat.

I am not a Communist.

I am not a Libertarian.

I am not a political niche label.  Truth of the matter is, I don’t know exactly what my political beliefs truly are because I don’t believe that the system of government I want to support has even been practiced on this planet before.  What I believe in iscomplicated and convoluted if at best and at the worse insanely hard to put into words.  I have decided to frustrate myself immensely in a vain attempt to put my political philosophy into script.
Well….I mean…what the hell else am I going to do while drinking a bottle of wine?  Watch porn?  No….this is much more engaging.

So…where to start.  Lets start with a foundation of belief.  At the foundation I believe in a society living in a cooperative community where talents and resources of the people are used to benefit all as well as the individual.  I believe that the accomplishments of the individual should be celebrated and enjoyed.  Someone who works their ass off to be a successful businessman should be able to enjoy some comforts from all the hard work that person put in to reach their success.  However, that successful businessman should feel morally obligated to help those within the community because not everyone is able to be as successful as that businessman.  People should be rewarded for their work and enjoy things like a vacation or a nice house, however the sloth in which those things are enjoyed should be tempered so that not one person or a small group of people don’t find themselves in control of a disproportionate amount of resources.

People should be reminded that they aren’t an island to themselves.  They live in a community that all need to be a contributing member to or the community will fail or worse splinter.  All must be unified in the goals of the community and by continually attempting to consume more than their neighbor the focus of the community falls to the wayside.  This is exactly what happens today in our society.  People live in these communities and being to covet what their neighbor has or even judges their neighbor for what their neighbor doesnt have.  This negative behavior leads down a path were neighbor and neighbor begin to attempt to gain more than the other.  Whether its the hottest consumer good or an extravagant add on to their home, resources of the individual end up being pissed away on a contest of whose grass truly is greener on the other side.  So when one of their neighbors have a true crisis and needs to lean on the community for support there is none to be had.  Their neighbors are leveraged up to the hilt in debt as they all played the game of consumerism.

That doesn’t mean that I slight those trying to make a profit on their goods or services that they sell.  Hell, like I said in the beginning of this, I dont have an issue in enjoying the fruits of ones labors.  However, does that mean or justify businesses and companies operating at profit margins of 50% or 100% or 150%?  This happens every day in our current marketplaces.  Businesses will sell a good or service that returns an obscene profit to the company that provided it.  Profit is the actual amount of money brought into the company after you pay off all of the expenses from selling that good or service.  People who say that companies should be able to make large profit margins don’t understand that it does nothing for the consumer and only helps empower the faceless company.

Which brings us to my next point in ideology:  corporations.  The whole structure of what a corporation is all about I find appalling and abysmal.  We have allowed corporate laws in this country just get fucking stupid.  I mean, a corporation has rights as if it was a person as a benefit and if completely autonomous and held to no accountability for its actions because it is faceless.  Companies are led by people who use their corporate anonymity to perpetrate some of the most heinous crimes against our communities and our planet.  They are legally allowed to rape our environment as they fit.  They are legally allowed to have no oversight for their fiscal actions except for their word that they are doing the right things.  They are legally allowed to price gouge the communities they claim to serve.  They are protected by a system of government that allows companies to buy political clout and protection to absolve the corporation of their sins.

Money and the greed that comes with it has coated our political system is a film of filth.  This filth are those who do not come to the political world to serve their communities, but rather fill their pockets with their thirty pieces of silver and then rewrite laws to benefit their pimps needs.  Money has made our politicians very adapt whores who can turn tricks for their pimps whenever and however they need them to.  They sell, literally sell the power of the representative democracy for whatever they can get for it.  The power that you, their direct reportable and accountable bosses empowered them with to use on your behalf.  But ask yourself this question: have any of you actually been asked by your Senator or Representative what you feel about a certain subject?  Or on a particular vote?  I'm going to bet the answer is no. 

So….basically my political beliefs are pro-community, anti-greed, anti-corporate, anti-political monetary gain.  I still have no ideal what to call this belief and frankly I don't want to label it.  I think that we as a society waste too much time on labels to quantify our ideals in an attempt to unify and align our beliefs with others.  The problem is that we all don't and can't all agree on exactly the same thing in exactly the same way.  We may agree on the basis, but there isn't a way that all of us would agree on the execution. 

The only way that I can see that as a possibility is through two ways: either empowered anarchy where people can directly influence their world their way or through a belief in a non-profit direct democracy that tackles situations through evolving ideals and not absolutes.  This is why I consider myself a soldier and not a politician.  Politics is fucking intense!

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